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Investors’ motives for allocating to private markets remain the same, more or less: the potential for alpha, and for consistency at scale.

McKinsey, The Rise of Private Markets, 2018

The Value Added of Milarec lies In:

Assessing Return, Liquidity and Complexity of Alternative Asset Classes.

Saving Time and efforts to direct clients to the solutions which is the best for them.

Bringing down Complexity.

Clear Trend, but 

Overall there is a clear trend towards increasing allocations to Private Markets, but still limited knowledge and understanding about which products, why and how investors need to choose. 

Alternative Fixed Income offers investors a variety of opportunities for earning income and provides them with the benefits of portfolio diversification. It is an emerging asset class that was formerly dominated by the banking sector. Clearly, navigating and comparing the benefits of individual products remains challenging.

Different Drivers 

The alternative credit market is dynamic, complex and evolving, with many different types of loans.

Each asset class:

  • Leveraged loans
  • Direct Lending/Private Debt
  • CRE loans
  • Consumer lending
  • Infrastructure debt
  • EM Loans.....

has its own drivers and specific way to gain successful market access. In banks and asset managers these asset classes have their own ecosystems. Consequently, it is difficult for any outsiders to compare the different value propositions. There is a lot of confusion, even among experienced professionals, about the terminology used.

Further, the lending opportunity is no longer homogeneous and its an arduous task to measure value in a fast changing environment, assess to what extent historical investment assumptions are relevant and measure, ensure sufficient alignment of interest between asset managers/banks and investors, GPs and LPs.

Dr. Gabriella Kindert is one of the most recognised and respected expert in Alternative Lending, with deep understanding of disintermediation trends combined with actual practical experience in managing Private Market products for Institutional Investors by managing products in 3 cycles. She has a proven track record and ability to commercialize alternative investment businesses successfully.  


Investment Research 

  • Independent research
  • Insight in Investment trends focused on Alternative Fixed Income
  • Providing Insight in global investment trends
  • Tailored research related to specific products 

Investment Strategy 

  • Product review in the context of Investors’ appetite and competition
  • Product positioning
  • Commercialization strategy
  • Review marketing materials to investors and provide benchmarking
  • Marketing and fundraising strategy
  • Investment Governance: Operational and Risk management 

Investment Implementation 

  • Investment Selection
  • Implementation of Investment strategy
  • Support in fundraising and DD process
  • Restructuring support/management related to underlying investments
  • Independent Portfolio review and stress testing 


Institutional Investors

  • How to approach Alternative Lending/private debt as an asset class.
  • Asset allocation strategies.
  • Decision process: Outsourcing or managing self.
  • Pitfalls related to the asset class (products, management) and how to mitigate them.

Asset Managers 

  • How to approach the different asset classes in Private Markets – build or buy.
  • Which Alternative Asset Manager to buy and why.
  • Product strategies and implementation 


  • OTD and OTM stratgies.
  • How latest disintermediation trends are and will be impacting results.
  • Buy or build new digital-based approaches.
  • Which institution to buy and how to buy.
  • Determining the best strategy on how to benefit from disintermediation trends.

Fintech Companies 

  • How to scale up businesses
  • Partnership approach with Incumbent players (why and why not).
  • Partner selection
  • Access to Investors 
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